At Albert Smith Signs we are often commissioned to design, manufacture and install architectural features, and one of the main innovative elements of our current shopping centre project at Sunshine Plaza is the illuminated archway, centrally located over the River Walk precinct. The archway design is manufactured from fabricated aluminium circles painted Sunshine Plaza blue on the western elevation, with opal acrylic faces overlaid with translucent blue vinyl.
On the eastern facing elevation, the fabricated aluminium circles are painted grey to match the framework. The faces of these aluminium circles are closed with a Permasign fabricated top cap that holds over 13,000 individually programmable and dimmable weather proof RGB LED bud lights on 60 discs of varying sizes. The individual lights, colour and movement can be programmed and changed to suit special occasions and marketing events at Sunshine Plaza.
Albert Smith Signs delivers the latest in technology – We are leaders in custom designing LED lighting, digital branding and signage solutions.